Blogs – Your Trusted NDIS Provider

Navigating the Challenges of the NDIS Market-Based Approach

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has revolutionized the delivery of disability supports in Australia. Transitioning from a government, block-funded model to a market-based model has empowered NDIS participants with choice and control over their support services. However, this shift has also brought significant challenges, particularly in ensuring access to

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Price Limits of NDIS – Time of Day and Day of Week

In determining which price limit is applicable to a support, the important consideration is when the support is provided to the participant, not the shift of the worker used to deliver that support as determined by the applicable Industry Award or Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. For NDIS claiming purposes, the provider

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Claiming for Support Items under NDIS

The NDIS framework includes various rules for claiming support items, depending on whether they are subject to quotation, have a price limit, or do not have a price limit. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for both providers and participants to ensure proper billing and compliance. Claiming for Support Items that

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Happy Stories

We frequently use Trusted care for our disability accommodating needs. They have excellent short-term and long-term housing options for SDA clients. Thank you for your assistance.
- John Doe